Tips to Keep Your Dog Active & Fit

If you are a dog mom or dad then you know how important it is to keep your dog fit & active so they can live a long healthy life. The month of April is National Canine Fitness & Active Dog Month, so we want to give you some fun & fresh ideas on how to keep your dog moving.

Wet Dogs Are Cool Dogs

Did you think we were going to say walks? Oh come on! We said "fun and fresh!" Everyone already knows that you should walk your dog so let's just ignore that one for being a little too obvious.

Get a kiddie pool, grab a hose, visit a local lake, or if you're lucky enough to live near a doggy pool, then hop on in and get wet! Most dogs love play in the water! And the best part of this activity is they won't even realize they are getting great exercise.

Swimming is great for dogs whose joints are bothersome. Just like for humans, it's a low impact way to exercise and even helps blood circulate more efficiently. So when in doubt, include water in your dog's exercise routine. Just make sure you bring them a towel for the car ride home!

Obstacle Courses

You can create a super fun obstacle course indoor or outdoors for your dog to play on. You don't need to buy anything fancy. Use hula hoops, laundry baskets, children's play sets or tunnels, or unused wood to make a fun course. Don't forget, safety first. Check all your objects to make sure they are free of nails or anything damaging before encouraging your dog to jump on or over them. Also, make sure you reward your dog with a healthy snack after each run.

Fetch or Frisbee

Dogs are amazing at catching, running, and jumping. Those can all come into play with a good old fashioned game of fetch. Tired of that old tennis ball you've been throwing around? Try a frisbee instead. You might be surprised at how well your dog can catch a frisbee. Be sure to have water handy for this sport and take a few breaks for a treat or two.

Share Your Treadmill

It might seem a little funny to put your dog on a treadmill, but if you have a high energy dog on a stormy day the treadmill could be just the ticket. Stand in front of the treadmill with a treat in hand and encourage them to stand on it first, and when they seem comfortable turn it on very slowly and let them get used to it. Never leave your dog unattended on a treadmill, and give them your undivided attention and encouragement while they're on it. Make sure you're watching for signals that they are either tired or done. No need to overdo it. Reward with a treat after a walk or run well done.

Massage & Doga

Wait, what? Massage and Doga?  

Yes! Exercise is very important to keep your dog healthy but rejuvenation is just as important. Doga is simply yoga with your dog. Get it? Stretching and concentrating on balance and breathing will benefit you both when you are running after your dog who chased after a squirrel on his way to get the frisbee you threw. And as for the massage, just show your dog some love. Give them a nice doggy massage after a hard day of living their best life. Now if only they could massage your back in return!

Happy National Canine Fitness & Active Dog Month! Now get out there, get active, and have fun doing so.

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